Build digital tools to better support adult learners as they launch and advance their careers.
A $1 million U.S. Department of Education challenge to reimagine career navigation for adult learners.

The U.S. Department of Education announced one grand-prize winner and one runner-up in the Future Finder Challenge on December 1, 2023. The teams are deploying their solutions across the adult education ecosystem.
About the challenge
Career navigation systems help learners discover opportunities and plan for the future — and digital tools play an important role in supporting that journey. There are many digital career navigation tools on the market today, demonstrating the important role technology can play in supporting career navigation systems. But few existing tools are designed to meet the unique needs of adult learners.
The U.S. Department of Education invited innovators — including strategists, developers, user-centered designers, and educators — to submit prototypes and accompanying proposals for digital tools that will improve the career navigation experience for adult learners.
During Stage 1, eligible entrants were invited to submit prototypes for digital tools that will improve the career navigation experience for adult learners. Five finalists were selected to progress to the Stage 2 accelerator. At the end of Stage 2, one grand-prize winner and one runner-up were selected. The Future Finder Challenge team supported the winners through mid 2024 as they deployed their solutions across the adult ed ecosystem.
Stage 1: Open submissions
Finalists announced
Stage 2: Accelerator
Winners announced
Beyond the challenge: Deployment
$1 million
In Stage 1, five finalists received $50,000 each. Each finalist also received an additional $10,000 to support accelerator activities. In Stage 2, a grand-prize winner received $500,000, and one runner-up received $250,000.
Stage 1 Resources
Who are adult learners and what are their unique needs? What is career navigation and why is it important for adult learners?